首页 >武侠仙侠 >总裁靠边站 > 第55章 夜半哭声

第55章 夜半哭声

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i don‘t even know why i do the things i do

when pride builds ‘t see my soul

will you break down these walls and pull me through

cause it‘s a long long journey

till i feel that i am worth the price

till i find my way home to you

many days i‘ve spent

drifting on through empty shores

wondering what‘s my purpose

wondering how to make me strong

you paid for ry

beneath those stor my skies

when sat an mocks and friends turn to foes

it feel like everything is out to trol

i know i will falter i know i will cry

i know you‘ll be standing by my side

it‘s a long long journey

and i need to be close to you


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