首页 >武侠仙侠 >血蝶殇之三公主的复仇 > Chapter.50想说的话


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in a big big world

it's not a big big thing if you leave me”

舞雪:“i'm a big big girl

in a big big world

it's not a big big thing if you leave me”

舞梦:“but i do do feel

that i too too will miss you much

in a big big world

it's not a big big thing if you leave me”

舞梦:“but i do do feel

that i too too will miss you much

miss you much”

miss you much

i have your arms around me ooooh like fire”

舞音:“but when i open my eyes

you're gone

i'm a big big girl


舞雪、舞梦、舞音(以后就是合了):“outside it's now raining

and tears are falling from my eyes

why did it have to happen

why did it all have to end”

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